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Something that has been a big source of trouble for... well pretty much forever is a problem I call the "peer introduction problem".

Here it is in a nutshell. Your client C has a connection to site A. Site A links to a vobject on host B. You have connections to both site A and site B. It would be wasteful to create a second parallel connection to host B, since all the vobject caching, listeners and everything else would be duplicated. How do you ensure that you can associate that hyperlink to your existing connection to site B?

Well, the obvious answer is, site A sends you a link vip://B/foo, you recognize B, and everything works.

Except when it doesn't.  Such as:

- -> C and B are on a local subnet, but A is on the internet. A doesn't know the internal hostname/IP address for B, and so A and C use different hostname/IP addresses to refer to B.

- -> Because of DNS aliases, A and C connected to B using different hostnames. They again use different names that refer to the same actual site.

- -> Because of multihoming, A and C connected to B using different IP addresses (see a pattern here?) They have different addresses that refer to the same actual site.

- -> A and B are connected using a different protocol than C and B. For example, A and B are part of a server cluster and are using a gigabit interconnect, but C is on the internet. (This is a variation on the first once, since the addresses would also be different...)

Now, the solution is for B to be able to identify itself uniquely in some way. How do you do that?

Currently, VOS has a concept of "host aliases" and a "preferred hostname". The way this works is that when a site connects, it provides a list of other names it is known by, starting with the preferred name, which is the one that should be used when talking to other sites.

This is a 50% solution and has two flaws. First, this is essentially a jury-rigged solution that doesn't catch cases where not all valid hostnames are known -- and, as it turns out, 90%+ of computers on the internet (in my estimation) don't have their hostnames properly configured. For example, windows will happily report as a hostname "MOM'S COMPUTER" or "WORKSTATION"...

However, a far larger problem is security: what happens if a site lies about its host aliases? It can pretend to be another site.

VOS bends over backwards to address the security issue, and the result isn't very graceful. During site peering it exchanges special challenge/response numbers. In order to verify that a site alias is valid, it goes through and tries to contact each site alias and uses the challenge key. If it can't contact the site (or doesn't get the correct challege back) it discards the host alias.

At least, that is what it used to do. I have disabled that code entirely for the time being, because it doesn't work.

The solution is to completely re-think how a remote site is identified, and I will discuss this in my next email.

[   Peter Amstutz   ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ http://interreality.org ]
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