On 2/2/07, Peter Amstutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What are your thoughts about fixed-point numbers?  If have, say, a 16.16
> fixed-point number and the units are meters, you get a maximum range of
> 65 kilometers with a resolution of about 15 micrometers (Reed mentioned
> notrons but in practice meters are the most useful for any kind of
> human-scale modeling).  I'm not a big fan of the "one coordinate system
> to rule them all" school of virtual worlds, I'm more interested in
> smaller spaces hyper-connected together relative to each other using
> portals, scene graph tricks (the contents of space A are embedded in
I think portalling is good for many things and can also be used
compatibly with continuous space system - like u can have each door to
a house/dungeon a portal. I'll avoid if I can tho.

> space B at some offset) or just saying "the edge of this space is
> adjacent to this other space..."

Fixed point is basically like integer where the resolution is even all
the way thru.
The nonuniform resolution of floating point can be turned from a
weakness to a strength by floating the origin because you get to carry
dense sub millimeter rez space with u as u move around. So I vote
against fixed point. I reckon GPU makers went away from fixed point
for similar reasons.

For similar reasons, floating origin in fp space increases the
scalability of a continuous virtual world - we were able to model
such that u can go from space to face and still have smooth motion and
interaction - that's going from 60million m in space to ground level.
See the (20MB) video:http://planet-earth.org/video/sydzoom2.avi

It is not smooth frame rate because I snapped it on my notebook, but
it proves the scalability point well enough.

> I'm mainly concerned about the network-abstract representation, of
> course.  You still need to have tricks in the renderer (like continous
> recentering) to support huge-space schemes.

I have been thinking that objects in the active list (being displayed
or capable of interacting with avatar) should have not positions, but
a pointer to their position in space and time that resides in a block
of such positions. Then when you need to update all object positions
due to user navigation it can update the block in linear time. Note
this is just for the display system object positions - not their real
world positions held on the object system (which could reside partly
on server). in a floating origin system the display system object
positions are always the minimum values relative to the avatar - hence
they are unique to avatar and do not correspond to their object system
> Also, with fixed-size sectors, I'm not sure how you would do a really
> huge area like the entire planet earth (although as we've established
> from the discussion, floating point numbers fair little better).  If you

Yes - that's why we use a single continuous world space. Many systems
like VGIS divide the earth into fixed sized sectors. This sort of
segmentation creates many overheads.
The Dungeon Siege game segmented its world into SiegeNodes, each
with its own local coordinate space. When the viewpoint crossed a
boundary between nodes, the local coordinate system changed to that
of the node being entered and a ``Space Walk'' began.
The space walk visited each active node and recalculated coordinate
transforms to shift objects closer to the new local origin. This
ensured coordinates did not get large enough to cause noticeable spatial
jitter. It uses considerable processing resources to do space walk and
the frequency of performing recalculations has to be limited: ``as
infrequently as possible to
avoid bogging down the CPU'' {Bilas}:

> just connect the edges, that's still many many thousands of sectors.

true, it introduces problems.

> Perhaps one way of approaching at it is as a sparse-matrix problem or a
> hash space.
I don't know the best answer to that as I bypass segmentation and have
not looked for efficient segmentation systems.

> At any rate: coordinate systems are hard.

I don't find them hard 'cause i keep it simple :) But u still have to
have multiple coord systems e.g. for geospatial apps - but at some pt
in the graphics pipeline it all gets to carteasian x,y,z,t space.


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