This is mostly directed at Reed, but I thought everyone might be 
interested --

In working on a virtual demo world/presentation (which I intend to use 
as a more compelling alterative to openoffice "impress" slides in 
presenting VOS to potential investors) I've made a few changes that make 
worldbuilding much easier:

 - Fixed bugs in blender export script which causes rotations to 
sometimes come out wrong.

 - Added an "<addtype>" directive under the <load> section in XOD files, 
so objects from loaded files can be extended.

 - Added some code to the vosapp framework so that if plugins introduce 
new metaobject factories, existing vobjects with that type will have 
metaobjects automatically attached.

 - Fixed some collision handling in the CS plugin that was misbehaving.

 - The 3rd person chase camera now won't go through walls, but will zoom 
in as necessary to have a clear line of sight to the avatar.

 - If you can hit "g" while moused over a 3d object, you "grab" it, this 
means the object is placed in front of you and moves around when you 
move.  (Moving this with the mouse isn't supported yet.)  You can tag 
this "a3dl:nograb" to tell ter'angreal not to grab them (useful to avoid 
grabbing the floor or walls by accident.)

So, in combination with the new misc:clickable and misc:textentry types 
(which communicate clicks on prompt for text on 3D objects) it's now 
relatively easy to add behaviors (written in C++) to 3D objects in 
scenes created in Blender.  See "galley.xod" in vos/apps/omnivos/ for 
the work in progress.

[   Peter Amstutz  ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ ]
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