> 5) Come up with some milestones and prioritize development.  The 
> strategy will probably be to code enough of the VOS framework to support 
> concurrent development of higher level pieces like A3DL, and to start 
> putting some meat on the bones of the UI prototype.  This may be 
> something like scripting + A3DL + application frontend (which could be a 
> useful tool in its own right) without the networking, distributed 
> computing and persistance pieces necessarily being ready yet.

Hmm... I kind of want to begin porting S4 libraries and apps (mesh, 
omnivos, hypervos, the metaobject libraries, etc.) over to S5. Should I 
just wait on that?  Networking is probably needed (though maybe not). 
Metaobject/type API is needed. Message handling would be needed.


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