On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 07:44:04PM +0100, Marcos Marado wrote:
> Hi there, and thanks for the update.
> On Tuesday 25 September 2007 18:28, Peter Amstutz wrote:
> > b) Create installer packages.  I want to have one-click install packages
> > for Windows, OS X and one or two Linux distributions.
> For the Linux packages, please go to Debian and Fedora. Those two are 
> probably 
> the best two plataforms to release the most clean .deb/.rpm packages for 
> others to be able to repackage them for their own distribution.

As I noted in the other mail, I'm looking into using the "epm" tool 
(http://www.epmhome.org) so we only have to maintain a single script to be able 
to build binary packages for multiple distributions (including both deb and rpm 
based distros).

I personally use amd64 Debian, so I can generate 32 and 64 bit x86 deb packages 
pretty easily.  To support Fedora, I'll need to set up another partition, or 
maybe a virtual machine.  Hmm.

[   Peter Amstutz  ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ http://interreality.org ]
[ http://interreality.org/~tetron ][ pgpkey:  pgpkeys.mit.edu  18C21DF7 ]

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