Thanks Alex. The reason why is that my proj serves multiple purposes,
conversion is only one of them; having said that, I still need to take
a close look at those tools that you've mentioned (looking at avidemux
now for its Windows implementation).

Aslo, with regard to QT v.s. GTK, do we have a reason to prefer to one
over the other?

In term of java gui, I used to use jide (
framework, which I find quite appealing and it was used in a big
trading system I used to work on. Myabe you want to check it out.


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 2:39 AM, Alex Mandel <> wrote:
> On 06/01/2010 09:24 PM, Hai Yi wrote:
>> hello all:
>> I used msys + MinGW to succesfully compile ffmpeg libs into dll files
>> for windows; my intention is to rewrite ffmpeg.c , which is the ffmpeg
>> utility for video/audio conversion, into a c++ class for windows, and
>> create a gui to use it.
>> the program is about 4000+ lines + dependency, and the options I am thinking 
>> of:
>> 1. use Visual C++; I have some experience working with MFC GUI
>> programming, but I heard that VC++ doesn't support C99 well, and some
>> data types in ffmpeg.c, like int64_t are C99 standard;
>> 2. Java as GUI, and jni to communicate with C code; I don't have
>> experience with jni therefore no idea if this is a viable approach;
>> 3. IDE. Anyone ever use C++ platform from Eclipse? If I can't use VC++
>> for ffmpeg.c, will this platform help? What's the GUI solution in this
>> case? GTK? I don't have experience in that either.
>> thanks all!
>> Hai
> My first question is why? What would this application do that Avidemux,
> Handbrake, Virtualdub, VLC or the rest of the bunch don't already do?
> Have you thought C++ & Qt. Personally I use Python & Qt and it works
> quite well cross platform. The only other widget set I really like is
> wxWidgets. But I'm probably biased because both of these support python
> and that's usually how I interact with them.
> (You can use sip or swig to generate python, java or ruby bindings)
> I have yet to see a desktop Java interface that appealing to the eyes
> (not saying it's not possible, I just haven't seen one).
> GTK also seems a reasonable choice.
> Have look at Code:Blocks and Anjuta
> I don't see why you couldn't go cross-platform, maybe it's more work...
> Alex
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