Hi from reinerotto@pcengines
>compiled the module and it works fine, but why is it missing?<
Had similar question already for qmi :-) (To use my LTE-modem card).
Answer was, they can not provide every module/driver in the distro. Which would 
not be a problem, as far I would say, as the happy user will be able to 
remove/delete unwanted modules. Cause building additional module was PITA for 
me. But as you succeed as well, in worst case you can use voyage kernel + your 
<Also the Also the acpi_cpufreq module is missing, so the CPUs don't throttle 
to 800
this would be a general advantage for every APU user of voyage, as the CPU is 
quite hot. And voyage has a special option already to be installed on APU, 
which simplifies installation from distro.

Including acpi_cpufreq module: +1

Christian Herzog <dad...@daduke.org> schrieb am 13:04 Freitag, 11.Juli 2014:

Hi all,

I'm using a wle200nx WiFi card (http://www.pcengines.ch/wle200nx.htm) on a
pcengines apu board. I first tried the Debian kernels, but their ath9k driver
did not work ("could not reset chip"). Somebody then hinted at Voyage Linux
and Lo and behold! the card works. So now I've got two questions for you
experts out there:

- what did you change in what is basically a Debian kernel to support this
  card? Even if I compile 'your' driver in the wheezy kernel, it can't reset
  the chip...

- I'd be happy to use your kernel on my wheezy, but is there a reason you
  don't include the i2c-core module? I2C doesn't work and I have some sensors
  attached.. I compiled the module and it works fine, but why is it missing?
  Also the acpi_cpufreq module is missing, so the CPUs don't throttle to 800

thanks a lot,

PS: I was pleasantly surprised to find my apu-leds module in your kernel :)


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