We are pleased to announce a new release of Voyage MPD[1] 0.9.5 release.

Voyage MPD
    [tarball] - 
    [Live CD] - http://www.voyage.hk/download/voyage-mpd/voyage-mpd-0.9.5.iso

This release is based on Voyage Linux 0.9.5 with Debian 7.7. See ChangeLog[2] for more information about changes in 0.9.5 release. In this release, we fallback MPD version from 0.18 to 0.17.6. Most of the users reported that this 0.17 version sounds better than the newer 0.18. In addition, this release also uses real-time kernel to reduce jitters when playback music.

For more information about Voyage MPD, please visit:
[1] Voyage MPD - http://linux.voyage.hk/voyage-mpd
[2] ChangeLog - 

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Kim-man "Punky" Tse

* Open Source Embedded Solutions and Systems
  - Voyage Linux (http://linux.voyage.hk)
  - Voyage MPD   (http://linux.voyage.hk/voyage-mpd)
  - Voyage MuBox (http://mubox.voyage.hk)
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