Hi Chris and all,

Let me answer all these questions in one:

1. Regarding to the upgrade, please read the following thread and my 
sub-sequence response.

2. 0.9 repo has just been updated.

3. Voyage MPD just adds more packages and stuff to Voyage Linux, to make it a CAS-capable player. You can find the installed package list in /cat /voyage.dpkg-l in both Voyage Linux and MPD.

4. Today, the major differences between Voyage Linux and Debian are the customized trim-down kernel, mounting read-only at boot, which is accomplished by voyage-utils package, and some added custom packages in http://mirror.voyage.hk/dists/<version>

5. Voyage MuBox is a slightly different beast than Voyage Linux and MPD, especially on how it is created and installed, the bootloader and the kernel.

On 11/15/2014 8:24 AM, chris hermansen wrote:
Punky and list;

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 2:41 AM, Kim-man 'Punky' TSE
<punky...@punknix.com> wrote:
It has been a long time not updating Voyage Linux.  It is time to announce
Voyage Linux 0.9.5, which upgrades to Debian "Wheezy" 7.7 with 3.14.12
Apologies in advance if this is a silly question... most of the time I
am an Ubuntu desktop user and debian in general, and voyage in
particular, seem to have some important differences that I don't

For those of us already running Voyage Linux (in my case, a mubox
installation performed last spring with the 3.14 kernel), will we
automatically get these updates, or do we need to (should we) do a

The 3.14 kernel I am running on my CuBox-i4 makes me a bit nervous as
I don't quite get how it got into the image I installed...

Thanks for any light you can shed

Kim-man "Punky" Tse

* Open Source Embedded Solutions and Systems
  - Voyage Linux (http://linux.voyage.hk)
  - Voyage MPD   (http://linux.voyage.hk/voyage-mpd)
  - Voyage MuBox (http://mubox.voyage.hk)
* Voyage Store   (http://store.voyage.hk)

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