Hi Punky,

Am 09.02.2015 um 02:50 schrieb Kim-man 'Punky' TSE:
> On 2/9/2015 3:09 AM, Stefan U. Hegner wrote:
>> mkfs.ext4: Inodegröße (128) * Anzahl_Inodes (0) ist zu gross für ein
>>     Dateisystem mit 0 Blöcken, geben Sie bitte entweder ein höheres
>>     Inodeverhältnis (-i) oder eine niedrigere Anzahl an Inodes (-N) an.
> I think the problem occurs when making ext4 file system.  Somehow, it
> won't work.  No don't think it is locale related.
By the way, is there any reason, that the second partition of the SD
takes up all the rest of the space?

Is there anything against shrinking that partion with resize2fs / fdisk
in order to have a separate data-partition? - I thought this more
practical: So I need to backup the Installation only, because my
Music-Library (to be copied onto the new partition) ist already backuped

Is there anything else I should change for this scenario? I just added
the new partition to /etc/fstab:

    /dev/mmcblk0p3          /media/local    ext4    auto,defaults  
    0       1

... I'm just wondering, since I have not seen through voyages way of
syncing data, as the partitions
are normally mounted ro only. - Once everything works fine, I could set
the "ro" flag in fstab. - Or are there more advanced ways of handling this?

Another Question:
Could it be, that some files were removed before the rpi dist was
packed? I ran into trouble with installing german locales / keyboard:

    cannot read character map directory `/usr/share/i18n/charmaps': No
    such file or directory

This could be resolved in the end by

    # apt-get install --reinstall locales

However, what bugs me currently most is, that I cannot get a German
keyboard setup working.
On voyage-mpd (alix board) all I had to do was

    # apt-get install keyboard-configuration

I do have the correct data in /etc/default/keyboard


    # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page.



... this is really unnerving. Also "apt-get install --reinstall
keyboard-configuration" or a dpkg-reconfigure does not change anything,
even after a reboot.

Tried stuff like installing console-setup-mini ... but still no avail.

... any hints how to resolve this?

> It's great that you get MuBox on RPi 2B running.  You should also
> consider a DAC+ for ultimate combo.
As written in my last posting: It's already orderd and I received it
this week.

But first I need to sort out a few general issues, before I get this
baby to fly ;-).

CU & Thanks in advance


Stefan U. Hegner 
              * * *
D-32584 Löhne --- good ole Germany

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