In reply to your noteworthy message, where you said the following:
> Hello Steve,
> on 03-Mai-99 you wrote :
> ..snipp [Intros - problem joining XOOM web services
>                  -]
> Hhmmm????
> Which service did you want to join?
> I've tried 'Unlimited WebSpace' and it worked OK.
> More details, am I missing something?

I just tried joining (although I'm already with xoom), by clicking
join on the homepage, entering my e-mail address, and, as described,
the input box for country doesn't appear. So, can't join. When trying
to join from the homepage through the "free webspace" get a couldn't
retrieve URL, so this option also didn't work. I subscribed in the bad
old day, using IBrowse. I don't know if xoom have changed their form
since then, or if it has something to do with Voyager. I'll reinstall
IBrowse later today and try and take it from there.

> Regards
>      NR


Dirk Harlaar

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