On 06-May-99, P-O Yliniemi wrote:

> I have problems loading about every home page on members.xoom.com using
> Voyager 2.95, even my own test page (just the index for some pictures)..
> Unable to open document
> http://members.xoom.com/peoyli/
> Link broke (-1, Errlist lookup error)
> The other files (the links in the index) works just fine...
> The error pops up on all html files (I have renamed my index to
> "test.html")

To view the member's pages, I've found you have to be sure that "spoof as
Mozilla" is NOT turned on.  If it is, it erroneously builds a JS-based page
and will crash....

I had the exact same problem on my site and after evaluating WTF was going
on, I created a small "hello world" page that didn't load!!!  Tried it on my
friend's PC, loaded fine, along with the rest....

Checked the source, and the entire page under NS was a Javascript.

So I tried by turning off my "Spoof as Mozilla" (which I normally kept on)
and mysteriously, the page loaded just fine! 

Take care
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]          http://come.to/rhithyn

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