Hi Willi,

On 13-Aug-99, Willi Burkhardt Wrote About [voyager] Re: Sales of vapor products,

> In fact, the unstability of V was the reason why I didn't upgrade or
> register other vapor products up to now! I am currently in the state of
> "wait vor v3 and see if it is more stable"

Mmmm, be fair though. Just because the beta of V³ is unstable (and its not
/that/ unstable for a beta release, in all honesty, I can't see how you can
apply the same to the rest of the Vapor suite.

I currently own AmFTP, AmTalk(1|2), AmIRC(1|2|3), Voyager(1|NG|3),
ContactManager, and NetInfo(1|2). I think thats all the Vapor software I've
registered. Just because the first beta of Voyager1 was a bit unstable, it
didn't stop me registering the rest :)

Also bear in mind, that if you show your support by registering now, it
shows Ollie that people are appreciative of his hard work (and the rest of
the team of course), and that they are willing and waiting for the final
release. It will get better, and it will become more stable.

Unfortunately due to the low sales of the software, it could back fire and
they decide to pack up and call it a day. I certainly hope they don't, its
thanks to Vapor and iBrowse that I got on the net in the first place, and
I'd hate to see it end due to low sales :((

IMO, if you can afford it (and I know not everyone can), show your support
now and register or upgrade, especially if you use the software regularly.

Best Regards,
*Dave Fisher - Team AMIGA*
              *The DarkSide - http://welcome.to/the-darkside*
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                               IRC : [Vader]

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