In a message of 14-Aug-99 Dave Fisher wrote:

 > Unfortunately due to the low sales of the software, it could back fire and
 > they decide to pack up and call it a day. I certainly hope they don't, its
 > thanks to Vapor and iBrowse that I got on the net in the first place, and
 > I'd hate to see it end due to low sales :((

As end-users we should really care a lot about the few programmers we have
left. Being such a small platform as ours is, makes it even more necessary
for more to register. Too bad so many are using pirated software.

 > IMO, if you can afford it (and I know not everyone can), show your support
 > now and register or upgrade, especially if you use the software regularly.

Everybody can afford it. It is a question of setting your priorities right.
Amiga software products are often very cheap, so you really have to save
very little to get the necessary money. As I a long time a go pointed out
to someone in a FidoNet echo area, when he claimed he couldn't afford
software registrations, then he probably spent three times as much as the
average shareware program costs every single month just to go out and get

It is only a question of priorities, and unfortunately a lot gives software
registration a very low priority - in my opinion to a large degree because
they already use the software in a pirated or cracked form.

There are so many ways in which you very fast can get the few pounds,
dollars or whatever you need. Drink a few less beers, when you are out,
or a few less music CD's, or water instead of Coca-Cola, etc. etc.

Uffe Holst

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