Hello Garry

On 25-Mar-00, Garry Kelsall wrote:

> Secondly - I can't for the life of me save bookmarks in version 3.0.52
> In previous versions the bookmarks list simply appeared all by itself
> when pressing the BM button and added bookmarks were automatically
> saved on exit.

I had this problem the other day after re-installing NC3 and all the updates
to a new partition. 


You need to make a directory with the same name as your user ID, in my case
I've got three different ones depending on which ISP I'm using, this will
then store your bookmarks (two examples above). Without this directory
nothing is saved. Took me a while to work out what was going on but thanks to
Snoopdos I got it fixed. Then depending which ISP you're using you can save
different sets of bookmarks. IIRC the way things work changed between NC2 and

Best Regards, Richard Lane - 

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
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