
> Quicktime is 'owned' by Apple and you have to pay for a license to include
> the technology into a third party player (or similar). I would guess that
> you would have to pay $$$$ too :)

Figures... The question then is: how much do they want and is there a
justifyable means to bring it to the Amiga?

> Even the beta of Live Motion ( didn't include a QT4 export
> function, as they would have had to pay Apple and, as the beta was free,
> they couldn't justify the QT4 export function ;)

Now that makes it sound expensive...  So instead of making QT4 support
for us, we should go to the websites that have it and "bitch". ;-)

Could we have a Nuking option? You know if we go to a website that
says "IE only" or "Nutscrape only", we could hit a button and
low-level format the server's hdd? ;-}

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