Hello Matt,

On 2004-07-13, you wrote:

> Catch up?

> IBrowse implements the same featureset, almost identical, but with
> some things Voyager does better (still.. count the flash plugins
> for IBrowse..) and some things IBrowse does better (Javascript
> mainly).

The flash plugin for Voyager is close to useless these days. IBrowse got
more speed and tabs as well, support for datatypes, priority settings for
loading background/pictures/picturesize, amissl wich is newer than SSL for
Voyager and it displayes more pages (of those that I visit at least)
better/like it should look like.

> AWeb?! You HAVE to be kidding me. AWeb hasn't changed for 2 years.
> All they did was "port" from SAS/C to GCC, and remove ClassAct
> includes in favour of Reaction ones (big job!). The improvements
> in 3.5 are things that Voyager has had since a very long time
> (Regex JS class, double buffered rendering, transparent gifs, 
> standardised IE-compatible table layout).

AWeb has changed. Like you said about the improvments that's what's changed
in 2 years in *AWeb* . You're talking against yourself.

> Voyager is ALWAYS under development! :)

So are the other browsers. Difference is that they get released when
they've reached a stable/usable state.


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