> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Jörgen Danielsson
> Sent: 13 July 2004 15:44
> Subject: [voyager] Re: Voyager development ?
> Hello Matt,
> On 2004-07-13, you wrote:
> > Catch up?
> > IBrowse implements the same featureset, almost identical, but with
> > some things Voyager does better (still.. count the flash plugins
> > for IBrowse..) and some things IBrowse does better (Javascript
> > mainly).
> The flash plugin for Voyager is close to useless these days.

Does IBrowse have a flash plugin at all?

> more speed and tabs as well

We had tabs, we removed it because it was unstable, because users
requested that it either be fixed or removed. We took USERS into
account. Isn't that something? That's called support!

> support for datatypes

Useless. They have native GIF, JPEG and PNG decoders anyway which
are much faster. What's the point of datatypes than to work around
the fact that IBrowse isn't PowerPC native yet?

> priority settings for loading background/pictures/picturesize

(which are so advanced, no user could possibly improve on the

> amissl wich is newer than SSL for Voyager

Which makes no difference whatsoever. There have been no significant
improvements in SSL technology since VSSL was last released. No
new ciphers, no faster algorithms, no new protocols and handshakes..

> and it displayes more pages (of those that I visit at least)
> better/like it should look like.

Well that's unfortunate for Voyager, I did say that IBrowse handles
some things better.

> > AWeb?! You HAVE to be kidding me. AWeb hasn't changed for 2 years.
> > All they did was "port" from SAS/C to GCC, and remove ClassAct
> > includes in favour of Reaction ones (big job!). The improvements
> > in 3.5 are things that Voyager has had since a very long time
> > (Regex JS class, double buffered rendering, transparent gifs,
> > standardised IE-compatible table layout).
> AWeb has changed. Like you said about the improvments that's what's changed
> in 2 years in *AWeb* . You're talking against yourself.

In 2 years AWeb got the features Voyager has had in those past 2
years AND MORE. The development of AWeb is ultra-slow and it just so
happens that the architecture of the AWeb layouter is totally non-condusive
to advanced rendering of webpages (CSS, DOM support).

AWeb team know this, that's why they picked KHTML for their next
big version. I will gladly try it out in 3 years when they complete
the first alpha-alpha-buggy versions.

> > Voyager is ALWAYS under development! :)
> So are the other browsers. Difference is that they get released when
> they've reached a stable/usable state.

A new Voyager is released with every version of MorphOS.
There isn't time to produce a 68k version for all you
people and the MINOR improvements made in rendering and
tag support aren't worth it. You certainly would never
notice them anyway.

So if you don't like the progress of Voyager, you can
go away and use IBrowse, and quit this mailing list.

Can't you just be grateful you have developers at all at a
time like this? If you are so enamoured with IBrowse, why
do you bother hanging around on here at all? Is it fun for
you to aggrevate developers?

Genesi, Manager, Developer Relations

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