When we started IrishSpace, it was precisely that problem 
that made me call for help on the list.  One of the things 
that I had worked out on my first worlds was that even 
with good tools, unless one was going eight or so hours a 
day, full time, doing a world was a task that could take 
months.  One could use and reuse stock objects, but even 
then, it was a long process if one wanted to create all 
the pieces.   Since long-from e-lit was my passion, 
it only made since to get help.  Luckily, it brought 
out the best in you.  Those who I had invited to 
watch the process were very impressed with that 
and it encouraged them to encourage others to 
take the Internet and VRML more seriously.  We 
did a lot of good.  Anyway...

Right now I am composing simply the music 
for VRMLDream with Lance and Bob.  Music composition is 
a fairly solitary activity.  I have done it for most of my life 
and am reasonably efficient.   Going afterhours and weekends, 
I can do one and half pieces a week.  Some of those don't 
pass muster and are shelved for other projects.  Biting nails here...

IMO and experience, collaboration and teams are the 
best solution.  This is also my experience in the 
recording studio.  The effects of cooperative eyes, ears 
and informed opinions are real.   In any given period, 
even with a lot of research, it is too easy to fall prey 
to ones own chops and become repetitive.  The serendipity 
of lots of experiments also contributes to the richness 
of the production.  Yes, one or two heads must prevail 
or consistency and direction are lost.   That is an art 
for sure, but it takes a lot of rivers to make an ocean swell. :-*

Len Bullard
Intergraph Public Safety

Ekam sat.h, Vipraah bahudhaa vadanti.
Daamyata. Datta. Dayadhvam.h

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dennis McKenzie [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 1998 9:54 PM
> Subject:      Limitations
> Tedium and frustration sets in:
> As I plug along on my current project I am finding it very difficult to
> get
> things done. I am not talking about the technical limitations of VRML
> (although these play no small part), but about my personal limitations as
> a
> single content creator. While I enjoy modeling, creating 5 or 6 good
> character models can get a bit time consuming. Hunting down textures takes
> a while, and the ones that have to be created from scratch take even
> longer. Sound files are even harder to find, and I am incapable of
> producing them myself. Editing, animation, and scripting eat up even more
> of the time budget. After listening to this list for a short while, now I
> want some kind of AI.
> The point, and question, is, is it possible for a single person to create
> longform VRML by themselves? (Especially given the sidelines of eating and
> keeping a roof over one's head)
> BTW, I've been reading "Hamlet on the Holodeck" by Janet Murray. Super!!
> Thanks for the recomendation Bob. If anyone else knows of books like this
> (lots of practical example) please let me know.
> Dennis

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