Jed, folks,

 > I still owe y'all a writeup of that talk I attended a couple weeks back.
 > Sigh.  Will try and do that soon.  In the meantime, couple quick comments
 > on Par's note:

Would be fun, but don't stress.

 > >   then again this is a "MMORPG"-crazed crowd.
 >    What's the "MMO" stand for?  "Multi-Msomething Online"?

Massively Multiplayer Online. Apparantly "the industry" has decided
to reject this cumbersome acronym in favour of the (IMHO) dubious and
self-congratulatory "PSW" for "Persistent State World", snore.

 > >   (I assume everybody on this list agrees that high-level control of
 > >    virtual creature movement is pretty bloody important for telling
 > >    good 3D stories).
 >    Absolutely.  This is why I'm a little less interested in VRML-level 3D
 > languages at this point than I used to be; I want the implementation
 > details to be hidden behind high-level language/good UI.

Yeah. We seem to have made that much of an advance in infrastructure,
at least: nobody seemed very interested in religious warfare over VRML,
Java3D, OpenGL vs DirectX, or other such low-level considerations.

 >    I would've said this is way too intuitive an approach to use in a
 > computer game, but I think Par's description here of Wright's story-server
 > sounds very similar in a lot of ways.  I think it's a very cool idea, and
 > potentially very promising -- though the devil is in the implementation
 > details.  But I would never have believed that The Sims would be possible,
 > so I'll be very interested to see what happens with this, if anything.

I may have a chance to talk to Will Wright in the next couple of weeks
and I intend to grill him on this issue (which fascinates me). I'll let
you all know. :)


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