Hi there,

for getting more familiar with VServers I've began to write some little
tools and Herbert was so kind to put them on his server tonight. So if
anyone likes to have a look:


Thought behind these tools were to create some  powerful, but yet
generic programs (not only usable for VServers) written in C to be used
in scripts then. Be warned, that all code dealing with immutable flags
does only work on ext3-filesystems by now. I'm off for a week holiday
and would like to hear your thoughts, if you have time to test it,



currently there are only 4 programs:


       funify - unify files in two different directories (ext3-FS only!)

       funify [-cCDhnSTvz] [-s scrdir] -d dstdir [file...]

       funify  tries to unify (-> UNIFYING) the named files in scrdir and dst-
       dir. If no -s option is given, the current directory will  be  used  as

       file  must be a relative path from the current directory (or scrdir) to
       a regular file and may not contain any path elements consisting of '..'
       (-> CHECKS).

       When  no  filenames  are  given on the command line, funify will expect
       them on <stdin> (like xargs(1) or cpio(1)). It is highly recommended to
       use option -z when using funify this way!

       flinked - report disk usage of directory trees with linked files

       flinked [-aAEFHILST] [-bhinsfuUxz] [path...]
       flinked -h

       flinked  checks  the  given path on how much disk space it consumes. If
       path refers to a directory it will be processed recursively unless  the
       option  -n  was used. While it does so, it checks also, if files with a
       link count greater than one have their other directory  entries  within
       the given path. This comes handy when trying to determine how much disk
       space an unified VServer takes up.

       flinked may either be used to generate a summary or a list of files (or
       both).  For this the options are seperated in two classes - list format
       options and select options. If no list format option was used,  flinked
       defaults to produce a summary.

       When  no  filenames  are given on the command line, flinked will expect
       them on <stdin> (like xargs(1) or cpio(1)). It is highly recommended to
       use option -z when using flinked this way!

2 Scripts making use of funify:

       vsunify - unify files in two vservers

       vsunify [-c] [-C] [-n] [-S] [-T] [-v] sourceVS targetVS
       vsunify -h

(You guess)

       vsclone - clone a vserver

       vsclone [-c] [-C] [-n] [-S] [-T] [-v] templateVS newVS
       vsclone -h

(You guess)

   Klaus ter Fehn          Wagnerstr. 4    Mobile: +49-172-2529379
                     40212 Duesseldorf     Phone:  +49-211-356880
     [EMAIL PROTECTED]            FRG/Germany     Fax:    +49-211-356881

          ... to boldly code where no byte has gone before ...
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