On Sunday 02 October 2005 08:31 am, Christian Heim wrote:


> > 2. if so what are the latest versions of the above?
> * latest kernel patch is at 2.1.0_rc2 (IIRC)
>    - for Gentoo that is =vserver-sources-2.1.0_rc2  (~x86)
>       incorporating kernel- and vs2.1.0_rc2
the only reason i use vanilla kernels now is i have found on my workstations 
and servers a noticable increase in performance using vanilla over the 
gentoo-sources. i believe it is due to all the extra patches that i dont use 
anyway :)

is the verserver sources only a vanilla with the vserver patch and thats it?

> -- 
> Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Gentoo Linux Developer (VServer)



"...and the hordes of M$*ft users descended upon me in their anger,
and asked 'Why do you not get the viruses or the BlueScreensOfDeath
or insecure system troubles and slowness or pay through the nose 
for an OS as *we* do?!!', and I answered...'I use Linux'. "
The Book of John, chapter 1, page 1, and end of book

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