Okay, with VC4 Alpha 2 just out the door earlier this week, it's time to 
turn up the heat on testing. From the feedback we have been receiving, it's 
clear that some people are actively working with VC4 Alpha 1, and hopefully 
now Alpha 2.

To thank you for the help you're providing by exposing VC4 Alpha 2 to a more 
diverse set of environments than we can recreate in the lab, we're going to 
provide a little bounty on filed bugs, a Vyatta Deluxe Schwag Kit(tm):
  * Exclusive Vyatta blue logo polo shirt
  * High capacity Vyatta logo bistro coffee mug
  * Sporty Vyatta logo baseball cap

Here are the T's and C's:

1. Anybody who is able to find a crash or hang of a subsystem in Vyatta will 
be awarded a Vyatta Deluxe Schwag Kit(tm). A crash is defined as an abnormal 
exit of a process. A hang is defined as a subsystem that becomes 
unresponsive to normal activity. Ultimately, the Vyatta engineering team 
will judge whether your bug qualifies as a crash or hang.

2. The top 10 filers by quantity of other bugs of substance will be awarded 
a Vyatta Deluxe Schwag Kit(tm). A "bug of substance" is something that 
honestly doesn't work. We'd love to hear about misspellings and such in the 
help strings, but that doesn't count toward your total. We're looking for 
things that don't work here. A good example would be a valid configuration 
that would fail upon commit, or might pass commit but then fail to do what 
it was configured to do. Validity of bugs counting toward your total is at 
the complete discretion of the engineering team.

3. One lucky winner will receive the "Engineer's Choice" award for filing 
the most obtuse, interesting, or otherwise strange bug, and will receive a 
Vyatta Deluxe Schwag Kit(tm). This one will be voted on by the engineering 
crew here at Vyatta, so make friends with them now.

4. All bugs must be *reproducible* and previously unknown to Vyatta (not in 
the Vyatta Bugzilla or the bug database of another subproject). In other 
words, if you see something unreproducible, please file it, but it's hard to 
award you a prize if we can't verify that the problem is real. In terms of 
being unknown, you need to come up with something that isn't already in the 
Vyatta database. You also need to come up with something that isn't a known 
bug in one of the subprojects we use. Put another way, while they may not be 
in the Vyatta Bugzilla, suffice it to say that we already know about the 
known bugs in OpenSwan, Quagga, ISC dhcpd, etc. That said, if you find a bug 
that was previously unknown in a subsystem, we'd love to hear about that and 
it will definitely count.

5. In the case of multiple people filing the same bug or questions of 
whether the bug is "new," priority will be given based on the timestamp of 
the bug filing at http://bugzilla.vyatta.com/.

6. We'll use the email address in your Bugzilla account to contact you, so 
please make sure it's correct. Unique email addresses will be used to 
compute the quantity totals, so don't file your bugs across multiple 
Bugzilla accounts.

7. The contest starts at 2:30 PM USA Pacific Standard Time on Feb 27 and 
runs through 11:59 PM USA Pacific Standard Time on March 22.

8. Contestants from all over the world are welcome to play, but 
unfortunately, we can only award schwag prizes to those in the USA. We would 
love our international community members, but the economics of shipping 
schwag outside the USA just don't add up. (Honestly, I tried sending a 
European Vyatta community member a t-shirt a couple years ago and it cost me 
upwards of $200 to ship a $20 shirt.) If you're content with 
recognition/honor/fame but not schwag, we'd be happy to give you all that. 

If you have any questions, just let me know.

-- Dave

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