Y'all got me thinkin' 'bout barometric pressure. That reminded me of a
couple of times fishing the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie during summer.

I've had weather fronts move in while fishing and with the arrival of
thunderheads, the fishing has always  picked up. However standing in a
river waving a graphite rod isn't the smartest thing I can do with
lightning approaching. So it was with great displeasure, that I'd leave the
river for the safety of my car.

One time I had to walk a mile or so back to the car and the lightning was
gradually getting closer. Then, as I was approaching my car, it started to
get farther away. I thought, hey, maybe I will just drop down to the hole
right below the car and give a couple of casts. That's when a major
lighting bolt went of almost right on top of me. You've never seen a
fisherman move so fast to get into a car!

I don't carry a barometer with me, so don't know if the barometer drops
with the  approaching thunderheads, but I assume it does. Anyway, those
wonderful cutthroats really turn active when the thunderbolts are flying!

Fish on, My Friend,
unless there's a lightnin' a flyin'!

Danny McMillin

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