I think that Telstra are using the same PR and programming people as NAB. I
have been trying to use this for some time now. They just don't make it
easy. By the time you receive your digital certificate, you've forgotten
why you applied for it then if you're unfortunate enough to remember, you
go on the dubious track of going through the registration of your computer.
I think they have designed this process to deter as many people as possible
from using this facility.
BTW don't upgrade your browser cos you'll lose everything and then when you
ask their help line why, they'll say "didn't you keep your original pin
number to access the digital certificate" in a holier than thou fashion.

If all this sounds too hard you're probably right!

Brett Curtis
Western Australia

> From: Greg Pennefather <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 13:20:44 +0800
> Subject: Telstra Online Billing
> Hi All
> Has anyone had success in signing up to Telstra's online billing at
> www.telstra.com.au/billing ?
> I have tried numerous times without success. I tried under OS 9 (.04, .1,
> ..2.1) using IE 5, Netscape 4.75 and 6.1 and OS X 10.1 IE5, Netscape 6. I
> just can't get the digital certificate required.
> Any help appreciated.
> Cheers
> Greg
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