I'm currently using IE 4.5 and OE 5.01 on an iMac 333 8.6 160 Mb and
recently started getting freezes and strange effects. This included (in an
email I was writing) the letter u started repeating by itself. The cursor
froze. Even disconnecting the keyboard didn't stop it. ctrl apple esc
didn't stop it either.

These effects started after installing all the software elements associated
with my new Canon 1240u scanner.

My question is, would updating to OE 5.02 be less prone to freezing etc? (my
hypothesis being that the scanner software may be interacting with the older
5.01.) Could it be time to move to OS 9.x?

I have tried over several days to download the combined IE 5 and OE 5.02 but
the download has quit each time after downloading about 800k. I don't want
to persevere unless there is anything to be gained. Is IE 5 much better
than 4.5?

Bill Currie