Dear WAMUGgers

You might be interested to know that I have received an undertaking from Sue McArdle, Apple Managing Services, Sydney, that the current iBook (and presumably PowerBook) repair system requiring the computer to be sent to Sydney for repair, will be replaced with a 'local' service model, through our usual dealers. She even hinted at a call-out technician being provided!

This should go a long way towards avoiding the inexcusable 12 week delay I had earlier this year in gaining CD drive repairs, and in a subsequent 8 week delay when I dealt direct with AppleCare Sydney for a power supply fault with a second iBook. That saga related to a 6 week delay from registering a fault, to receiving the Rescue Pack in the first instance, although once that was sorted out Apple returned the repaired iBook within one week. That was with Sue's intervention.

I believe I now have a faulty battery in the very same Tangerine iBook that had the 12 week experience. I have tried all known remedies posted to me after listing the question on this list. Thank you to all who have responded.

I have searched Apple til KnowledgeBase but still cannot resolve the problem.

Finally I swapped the battery with one from another iBook and the troublesome battery still displays the same problem in the substitute computer; that is, either immediately, or within 10 - 30 minutes of disconnecting iBook from power supply, and even though the power indicator suggests it's fully charged, the computer will instantly switch off and not restart again until the power supply is reconnected. Then it goes through the disk first aid repair at restart and I need to reset date and time from 1904.

We simply cannot use the computer unless it is on power. Even if put to sleep on battery, it will fail on startup.

I am awaiting advice from my 'usual dealer' before pursuing repair action. As Christmas holidays are coming up, it looks like the time to get it FIXED!

Any comments?

