At 9:11 PM +0800 9/12/01, Reg Whitely wrote:
It seems to be only one way support. We say Apple's great, and they
say, yes we are... thank you for saying so.

Very well put Reg. Have we all become 'worthless' yet devoted slaves? For me, producing a great product means diddley-squat if you can't back it up with great support (even a little thankyou would be nice!). I have learnt what I know of Macs simply because I became fed up with incompetence.

Hopefully, there is such a thing as "MacKarma".





It would have been nice to have received the same offer from Apple
after any one of my 2 recent experiences. I must say that Sue sent me
(and my teacher assistant who helped in negotiations), a very large
(XXL) OS X tee shirt each, and a sticky Apple mouse mat. That goes
some way to addressing the total of 20 weeks of lease repayments I

Sadly I'm not impressed with Their recent performance
has been pathetic... and I think I'm one of their more stalwart
supporters. We even received a writeup in Apple Ed News and on their
website in September last year:

It seems to be only one way support. We say Apple's great, and they
say, yes we are... thank you for saying so.

C'est la vie?


CC: Sue McArdle for info; [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Reg ... I just returned an iBook to Sydney with a faulty keyboard
and power supply.

Despite a promise of a 1 day fix after 10 days I was told there were
neither replacement keyboards or power supplies in Australia.
Fortunately the very nice people at Apple's St George's Terrace
office intervened and are arranging for me to get another iBook.

You might be interested to know that I have received an undertaking
from Sue McArdle, Apple Managing Services, Sydney, that the current
iBook (and presumably PowerBook) repair system requiring the computer
to be sent to Sydney for repair, will be replaced with a 'local'
service model, through our usual dealers. She even hinted at a
call-out technician being provided!

This should go a long way towards avoiding the inexcusable 12 week
delay I had earlier this year in gaining CD drive repairs, and in a
subsequent 8 week delay when I dealt direct with AppleCare Sydney for
a power supply fault with a second iBook.

Keith Palmer
Zytech Marketing Pty Ltd

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WA Customware