On 2003-10-17 at 14:26(GMT+0800) Adam Hewitt at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailed off into the ether: 

> I am not with St. George, however there was a very *long* thread on
> the Sydney Linux Users Group earlier this year/end of last year on
> this topic which basically said that St. George banks sucks bigtime
> and they have a policy of not supporting browsers except IE. Most of
> the thread was actually CC'd to St. George themselves. This may have
> changed by now but I doubt it.

>From what I've observed, stay away from St George if you have a Mac.
Lots of unnecessary buggy slow-loading Java IE-only @#$* ...

Okay, their internet banking impressed me, but only when it was running
in MSIE/Windows. So nine out of ten for style, but negative several
million for compatibility.
