On 16/3/04 12:39 PM, "J Philippe Chaperon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> on 16/3/04 12:24 PM, Mark Secker at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> A year or so ago I would have given you my servers URL to allow you
>> to at least download it from a local site but the antiquity of it and
>> local security issues now prevent me form doing so.
>> I'm guessing WAMUG has something similar though? there's also a
>> regular CD of such things  for financial members isn't there?
>> maybe Apple need their update service to be like a bit-tolerant like
>> p2p network (except that's a couple of dirty words outside of the
>> gaming and W4rez crowd)
> Hi Mark,
> Well, it must be my age - memory failing. I forgot completely about the
> WAMUG CDs, and that would be a great way to obtain those massive updates.
> It's a pity though that one cannot get them from Mac magazines eg Mac
> Addict, MacWorld (UK & US) etc, but then there's always the problem of
> area-specific OS etc.
> Kind regards,
> Philippe C

Hi Philippe (and others)

I am more than happy to provide a CD with the 10.3.3 Combo update and some
of the other larger updates as well (Java 1.4.2 etc) for a nominal fee for
my time/media.

If you are interested please feel free to contact me off list.
I am more than happy to help out.

I hope to talk with you soon.

Thanks in advance!

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Macintosh**