On 13/04/2004, at 12:54 PM, Rod wrote:

On 13/4/04 12:34 PM, "Matthew Healey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A much better approach would have been to send a message to the
list-manager, or even one to the list stating: "My mail isn't getting
through." or to another member: "My mail isn't getting through, can you
please forward this request for information?"

The address for which is..... [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Which goes directly into that big, round cylinder that resides on the right hand edge of the dock. Just like the wamug first post rule, the cylinder's
contents get emptied once a week.

Oh if only!

(You should have seen some of the abuse I got from having the server down for a few days while upgrading it!)


Just kidding, el Presidente!

Does the list alert you via email that there are backlogged messages? Or
does it rely on you having a look on the server?

At the moment, I have to check it manually. I am working on automating it though.

- Matt


     Matt Healey                                                [EMAIL