Hi folks

I'm currently in the interesting position of needing, if at all
possible, to run a Mac application on some remote X11 terminals from an
x86 Linux server. A full virtual machine appears to be the only option.
The app in question is a PowerPC application, otherwise I'd be using
Basilisk II with no problems. The app requires OS7/8/9 so I can't use
PearPC either. That leaves me with SheepShaver, which I have little
experience with.

I was wondering if anybody here has used it, and what ROM they used. If
I can confirm that a particular ROM will work I will happily buy
suitable mac hardware. It is my understanding that it is perfectly legal
to use a Mac ROM with an emulator if you own the mac, but I'd be happy
to be corrected on this point if anybody knows better. If nobody knows a
solid answer regarding correct ROM choice, I would really appreciate it
if someone knows a way to obtain ROMs for _testing_ _purposes_ _only_ so
that I can determine what mac I need to buy.

Understandably, I can't go around buying different mac models until I
find one that works, and there's little information out there on ROM

Craig Ringer