On Thu, 2004-11-04 at 16:31, Nancy McIntyre wrote:

> The iMac has 288meg of RAM and a 40gig Western Digital Hard Disk, running
> 10.3.5 (which runs okay, amazingly enough). I used the Activitiy monitor app
> to ah, monitor the cpu usage - when attempting to speak, the CPU idle time
> drops to -0.00.
> I was trying to get Skype working so my parents machine so they could have
> long talks with my brother over in the UK. If anyone knows the minimum mhz
> speed which allows Skype to run pls send me an e-mail, <<

You may have more luck with other VoIP technologies, rather than Skype,
as if I recall correctly Skype encrypts all its data. That makes for a
significant CPU overhead, and given that the voice data also needs to be
encoded into a lossy format like one of the GSM codecs, the CPU
requirements may be excessive.

Try a basic SIP VoIP phone program if you can ... I suspect you'll have
a lot more success that way.

Anybody have suggestions on good SIP phone apps for OS/X?

Craig Ringer