The open source version and accompanying active plug-in/component
development community is the Mambo CMS's most attractive quality.

These flash tutorials are helpful for getting started using the
'you-beaut-Aussie' Mambo:

>From The Age:
"If you survey the current crop of low-cost web content management
systems, Mambo fares well.

In a market crowded with different products for managing web content,
Mambo presents smartly, can be used without prolonged training, and
costs less than a good suit. Last week it won the British-based Linux
User & Developer magazine's 2004 award for "Best Linux or Open Source
Software". And it's been developed from a small office down a laneway
off Melbourne's Collins Street by a company called Miro International.
It's the small Australian company that took on the world and - well,
actually, hasn't won yet."
Full article (regist. reqd.)-

A few people have had trouble with javascript managing Mambo from
Safari or within OS X:

Looking forward to some fun WAMUG polls Matt :-)

I've read good things about Farcry too.


   Paul Reid
   ICT & LOTE Coordinator
   Paraburdoo Primary School

> 'not heard of Mambo - my office uses Farcry, which seems to work okay,
> but there are some mac related UI issues when you try and move pages
> around within the wysiwyg site structure i.e. you can't. :)
> T.
> On 24/03/2005, at 12:08 PM, Shay Telfer wrote:
> >> Does anyone on this list use Mambo at all... or any other CMS for
> >> that matter.
> >>
> >> I am in the process of trying to re-do the wamug site so that I don't
> >> have to manage everything.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >>
> >> - Matt
> >
> > I'm told it's good, I haven't played with it myself (yet). Even used
> > by some government departments!
> >
> > Have fun,
> > Shay