On 01/04/2005, at 2:21 PM, Reg Whitely wrote:

Well, consider this,

On 1 Apr 2005, at 2:08pm, Rob Findlay wrote:
I used to give them names like "Big" or "Small" but that became confusing so probably as a reaction to my post above I just call things by the simplest adjective I can think of combine with the size so my drives are "tech 60" , "music 120", "boot 80", "FW 160".

When I worked in Gero District office and Mac Classics were just being born, I had one with 80Mb hard drive called... The Bottomless Pit!

I like that. When I've formatted things for clients I've used names like "Elephant Gun 20" and "The North 40" to describe what were in those days really big drives.