Hey y'all,

I'm selling my Strawberry Imac if anyone wants it:

Strawberry Imac 333MHZ
"Idance" stand
288MB Ram
20Gig hard drive
Logitech Cordless Optical Mouse
OS 9 and 10.1 media
OS 10.2 media


If you're living in the metro area, I'll happily drop it off.

I'm selling this as I just picked up a 12" ibook - which really offended
me - laptops are not allowed to be working, fully patched and working
wirelessly 30 mins out of the box - that's just not on.  Murphy must
have a cold or something.



Gavin Criddle
Helpdesk Officer
Humanities IT Services
Curtin University of Technology
t: +61 08 9266 7237