I use Eudora here at home with a POP3 setup.

I also have an account at work (Outlook). I could always run Eudora at work (XP) if that makes things better / more reliable.

The problem seems to be even with some good "forwarding" filters I don't always get / have access to important e-mail while I'm at work.

I'm considering changing over to IMAP and setting all the misc, non work related stuff to be downloaded from the server immediately (at home) leaving the other stuff on the server making it accessible from both ends.

Anyone got some recommendations / comments before I do the switch?

Cheers, Antony.

=                            =                                   =
=   Antony N. Lord           =     http://antonylord.com         =
=   [EMAIL PROTECTED]       =     Perth, Western Australia      =
=                            =                                   =