Hi Severin

On 1 Nov 2005, at 8:20pm, Severin Crisp wrote:

I installed 10.4.3 this morning and have an iPhoto problem. If I select a photo then go ti"i' to display information iPhoto thinks for a few minutes then quits with the usual message for an "unexpected" quit. If I restart from 10.4.2 on another drive all is well, my iPhoto libraries are on a third drive and referenced via iPhoto Library Manager. I believe this proves that the libraries are intact. I have done all the usual repair permissions etc and so far have seen no other reports of this problem. I am on a G4/400 2GB RAM.

I've installed 10.4.3 and have had no problems so far. I've tried your iPhoto sequence and had no errors. In fact I didn't know you could do Command 'I' in iPhoto. Thanks. It worked well!

I'm running it on G4 PowerBook 15" 1.67GHz iPhoto 5.0.4
