I've since tried accessing ITMS on my TiPB running OS 10.3.9 and iTunes 6.0.1 and on the same network, with success. I've looked at all the network, iTunes and Safari preference settings on both computers and, apart from the expected differences with the local IP and IPv6 addresses, they appear to be the same.

I have no proxies selected (thanks for that suggestion, Duncan).

The only substantial difference I can see is between Tiger and Panther.

I'll try initiating a new account on my G5 and see if that makes a difference, but I'm open to any more suggestions.


On 02/11/2005, at 12:46 PM, Mike Fuller wrote:

I've tried several times to connect to the iTunes music store, both from iTunes and the Oz Apple site, without success. I keep getting the alert requester "iTunes could not connect to the Music Store. The host is down."

I'm using iTunes 6.0.1 and Safari 2.0.2 on an iMac G5 with OS 10.4.3. I'm on ADSL through TPG. A friend, also on TPG, has no problem connecting with ITMS. I have no problem connecting with anything else on the net.

Any suggestions please?

