I'm pretty sure you only need to add a container field to your layout in
which you can embed your graphic. The choice is whether to have it reference
a graphic stored elsewhere or else to import the graphic into the database.
If the database is only going to be viewed locally you can get away with a
reference (however if you move the graphics location the reference breaks).
If you're distributing the database to others you must embed the graphics. I
prefer to just embed to avoid possible problems if I later decide to
distribute the solution to others. If this was a server version of Filemaker
the answer would be different (references are faster on web enabled
databases) but in your case you don't have to worry.

FM5 databases are compatible with FM6 thus the same extension. Likewise FM7
& FM8 are incompatible with earlier versions but are compatible with each


All the best

Greg Sharp
Australian Mac Users Group (AUSMUG)

On 10/11/05 3:15 PM, "wyvern" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am currently running FileMaker 6 on 10.3.9 and have a database of
> info for a group of people and would like to add a small photo of each
> person to their record..... is this possible and if so HELP!!!
> Also..... if i export records or create new dbases etc the file shows
> as .fp5...... why not fp6?