Hi All!

Seems the inevitable is happening:


Fans of the current series will have to fork out for the next lot ($7US
per month), at 4 per month and 12 in the series, so to listen to the
next series will cost you $21US.

I wonder how far off the video podcasts will be before charging, such as
Rocketboom and TikiTV.  They must have enormous bandwidth costs per
month, plus purchasing the hardware to create a video podcast. (Although
Rocketboom just sold their first advertising spot on ebay for

It will be interesting to see what happens from here, whether people pay
for the podcasts, or we have to put up with advertising.

If I can preview the content, then I would be happy to pay.  But if I am
paying, no ads!

Like iTools, I think the free ride is coming to an end :-)

