On 04/03/2006, at 3:42 PM, Robert Howells wrote:

On 4 Mar 2006, at 3:29 PM, Mike Fuller wrote:

To further Yvonne's request, could users give their opinions on the suitability, or not, of different routers for ADSL2 with VoIP.

This subject was hacked about on this list not long ago . You may want to visit the mails in the archives here

<http://wamug.org.au:8100/Lists/wamug/List.html> and searfch for adls2


Thanks Bob.

I did follow the discussion on ADSL2 with VoIP but what I couldn't find in that lot was anything about how well the actual routers performed, particularly if there were any that had problems.

I'll check with Daniel Kerr because he has one of the iinet Belkin routers, but if anyone has anything to add on their routers with adsl2 + and VoIP I'd appreciate it.

