Greetings again.

It's an ADSL Thomson Speedtouch 360 modem.

To the best of my knowledge there were no lightning strikes in the area
over the weekend and the modem is connected to a surge protection
powerboard on mains.

Hope that helps.

Thanks again.


>>> Robert Howells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/08/06 9:48 am >>>

On 8 Mar 2006, at 9:05 AM, Tony Monaghan wrote:

> Greetings,
> Just wondering if anyone has any information or thoughts about the
> average life expectancy of a modem ... Mine is around three years
> and over the weekend I had to call my ISP because I couldn't log
> Safari or retrieve emails.
> The technical people said I should use ethernet and that worked for
> day or so but now won't connect to the server either.
> Does anyone have any ideas why this might have happened or is it
> time to buy a new modem? I have an G4 Imac running OSX10.3.9.
> Thanks for any help/advice.
> Cheers
> Tony

You do not say what sort of service ( adsl ? )

or give make or model number of Modem ! ?

We would be guessing !

Other points of interest would be :-    

What power surges , lightning strikes etc have taken place in your 
locality ?
Have you tried a different power Pack at the correct voltage ?
or is it Mains powered ?


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