Are you using ClarisWorks 5 or AppleWorks 5.?
If AppleWorks 6 is open then generally a double click on an AW5/CW5 will open the file saying of course that it was created by an older version.
Another way to open is to use the Open from the File menu.
A third way is to use Save As in AW5/CW5 and save the data as an ASCII file. You would then need to set up a database in AW6 with the field names in the same order as the old data base and then import the ASCII file.

At 9:56 AM +0800 10/3/06, David Noel wrote:
-- I'm using OSX 10.2 on a 500 MHz iMac.

-- On my older machine, with OS 9.2, I ran my database files with Clarisworks 5. When I try to open some of them with Appleworks 6 under 10.2, I get the message "Appleworks has unexpectedly quit". This happens with maybe 1 in 3 of my database files.

-- I can still update these files with Clarisworks under the Classic environment, but would like to move them over to 10.2/Appleworks. I can't find any pattern why some will convert, others not, it's not size (some small, some 2 Mb). And Clarisworks under Classic can't seem to export database files under a different format which Appleworks can import.

-- Any ideas, anyone?

David Noel
2006 Mar 10

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