I believe the lampshade has an adapter that you can
hook up an external vga monitor.  Although $900AUD
doesn't sound like a horrible cost for fixing the 20"
imac.  If you ever wanted to sell it, I don't think
you would get a buyer without a good screen (unless
they wanted it for parts).


--- Lloyd White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a two and a half year old G4 iMac, lampshade
> model with a 20 inch
> screen. Yesterday the screen went blank at start-up
> and I am told by the
> people at Joondalup that it has gone and a
> replacement screen cost around
> $900. I don't want to pay that amount to fix it.
> The computer is working fine and I can access it
> using Target mode to my
> PowerBook.
> I am looking at various options. Firstly does
> someone have a broken iMac
> with a 20" screen that I could buy. Apparently it
> must be 20".
> Secondly does anyone have a G5 iMac for sale? Or
> even another G4?
> Or a large screen that I could plug in, apple or
> not?
> Am open to suggestions or deals.
> Don't tell me about insurance! :-(((
> Lloyd 
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