Hi Anthony,

If possible save the the individual page as an EPS from Illustrator
and distill that. Illustrator, Photoshop and even InDesign make pretty
large PDF files.

Then just add it back to your document.

Kind regards,

On 3/13/06, Antony N. Lord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got an 8 page PDF (1.5Mb).
> I've opened a single page in Adobe Illustrator to make some changes
> (delete a line of text and add a caption) and resaved the document.
> It's now a whopping 5Mb and remains that way after trying to use
> Acrobat to reduce the file size.
> Any ideas on a solution - I'm not exactly sure where the original
> document is that was used to create the PDF (probably a Word file).
> Cheers, Antony.
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Kelly Duffy
Graphic & Web Design Services

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