Thanks James. The problem is solved.

On 26 Mar 2006, at 9:38am, James Devenish wrote:

Here are the mailbox details from ClamXav log:
/Users/rwhitely/Library/Mail/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Deleted
Messages.mbox/mbox: Worm.Mydoom.M FOUND

I suspect the above .mbox files must be somehow left over from Panther
(no longer used in Tiger)? If so, I'd guess you can just delete them
manually in the Finder.

I deleted the mbox files from Inbox and Sent Items, and deleted all the Java caches and re-run ClamXav and no viruses turned up. Thanks. It's now clean as a Mac!

The other four were in .zip files in User/Library/Caches/Java Applets/
I have absolutely no idea what they are except to say that there are

I guess you have visited websites which have these Java viruses
embedded in them. Although the method of exploitation is
Windows-specific in this instace, Java is of course also installed on
your Mac (including Intel Macs). Make sure you are up-to-date with
your Apple Updates and, if you like, you can disable Java (not
JavaScript) in your browser preferences (to prevent these items from
being downloaded). Of course, some people may require Java for
intranet or banking applications.

I'll leave Java turned on and check again with clamXav maybe next week and see what's going on - if anything.
That's sneaky, embedding viruses in a website.

Interestingly I searched VersionTracker for another virus checker to confirm what my program was saying. I found Virus Out. Has anyone used it? It had me tricked but I think it's a game. April 1st coming up?
