On 25/04/2006, at 1:00 PM, Andrew wrote:

Does anyone know of a way to move old e-mail out of Mail into another folder? My wife has around 500 read e-mails she wants to keep. It might be unrelated, but it's taking longer to open Mail and I thought this would un-clutter it and help it open quicker.
iMac 20 G4
Hi Andrew,

All email clients have limits but the Mail.app stores all messages in individual mailbox files in mbox format instead of in a single large database file that is used by Entourage and most other email clients.

The recommended limit for an individual Jaguar or Panther mailbox is 1 GB and for Tiger Mail, 2 GB.

The only limit for the overall size of the Mail folder at Home > Library > Mail which stores all individual mailboxes is your available free hard drive space.

Unfortunately, the Mail.app does not include a built-in automated process to save messages and/or mailboxes outside of the Mail.app.

You can Archive some mailboxes or all messages up to a certain date by using Mail Scripts.


The script to use from the package of included scripts is Archive Messages (Mail) which moves messages from the selected mailbox(es) to an archive mailbox or export them to standard mbox, plain or rich text files for backup purposes or import into other applications. You can select to move all messages or only messages sent within or certain period as well filter messages based on their read and flagged status.

Car'n The Pies