On 25 Apr 2006, at 1:00 PM, Andrew wrote:

Does anyone know of a way to move old e-mail out of Mail into another folder? My wife has around 500 read e-mails she wants to keep. It might be unrelated, but it's taking longer to open Mail and I thought this would un-clutter it and help it open quicker.
iMac 20 G4


One option is to save your " user " which includes Mail under Library ,
to another location  ...eg :   Backup Hard drive ,,,
you should find you can go to the Backup find
Library / Mail / Pop-user name / and click on the mailbox your mail is in ... Inbox, sentbox, trash etc.
and that box will open in Mail .

When you have confirmed that you have it backed up and working you can delete the originals .

Hope I have made that clear enough .. it works for me in 10.3.9
