Morning All,

On 27Apr2006, at 10:04 am, Rod wrote:

But.....Parallels are making headway with their virtualisation software. Beta 5 came out last night with basic USB support and shared folder support between the Guest OS and OS X. So by the time the final version comes out, we should have full USB support. Which means you can run Media Centre or MythTV (Linux)

MythTV is available for OSX in both connotations of processor.

on one screen and OS X on another (using Virtue Desktops). Making your shared folder the Movie folder, all your recordings can go straight into Front Row :-) For most people waiting for VPC for Intel Macs, this looks the most promising. It is not limited to XP SP2 like Bootcamp, so you can run Linux,

Most flavours of Linux are ported to PPC, and Intel Macs from what I have been told are a straight up Intel32 version of required Distro will work. Although I do believe the Airport issue has arisen again, I thought some smart cookie reverse engineered it for PPC machines. Not sure of others, but some mention of mouse-pad on MacBooks, not sure can not confirm as I do not own one. Also ponders the reason for running a VPC for linux when most available software can be installed within OS X that is available for Linux/Unix anyway.

all the flavours of Windows, and even some experimental OSs like SkyOS. The biggest drawback is lack of graphics hardware support, so it sucks for games. For everything else, they should run sweet! Obviously native Intel OS X apps would be the best option, but for those apps that aren't even on the Mac (and there a lot, especially engineering apps), this makes a great alternative.

So install Bootcamp and reboot machine, then run native Windows or better and probably a cheeper alternative buy a specific Windows machine and run along side the OS X one if you do not want to reboot. But it ponders the age old question of which is the better OS and machine? The one that does the job I require of it, with more hair and teeth still in my head at the end of the day or session.
